If you look for some magic in your life, come to the swamps on a humid Spring afternoon and just wait.
The fog will come and transform the place.
The fog will magically tell things apart. Things nearby will appear sharper. Things far in the background will fade away
If you’re lucky, the last sun rays may break through the fog, adding another, surprising dimension to the spectacle.
The landscape, transformed by light and cloud, somewhat eerie, somewhat peaceful is difficult to describe with any known emotion.
While taking the pictures on an unnamed field not far Stobrawski Park Krajobrazowy, I wonder how many foreign visitors to the country will ever witness this. Not many. Most people spend time in historic towns. Some go in the nature, but mostly in the daytime, to be back home before dark. The secrets remain hidden.
Lovely stuff! I prefer the Greek climate though; swamps I think, would be too humid for me. But we are where we are, and there is always beauty to be found.